
One Step Closer to the Reveal!

One Step Closer to the Reveal!

Hopefully from my last post you were able to figure out that the location of our pilot project is somewhere in northern Colombia.  If you did, great work! And in the north it is. Our project will be located in the municipality of Lorica, which is in the department of Cordoba, along the Caribbean coast. Next week I’ll finally be revealing the exact location of the project, and will be able to give some more details about the location andcontinue reading

Hinting at our Project Location

Hinting at our Project Location

  I have to apologize.  I posted this graphic on social media a couple of weeks ago, but I forgot to send it out to all of you.  Since we’re talking about it, please follow HydrateLife on twitter, facebook, and instagram to stay up-to-date with everything that’s going on. So, can you solve the riddle?  It’s a pretty easy one.  Got it? Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be sending more information out, slowly revealing the location of the pilot project,continue reading

Pilot Project Location Announced!

Pilot Project Location Announced!

  Oops! I meant to say Pilot Project Location will be Announced. Sorry about that. We can’t just tell you right away. Gotta have a little fun with it!  So, where could it be… Is it in the Amazon region in the South? Or maybe over on the West side by the Pacific? High up in the Andes? The deserts of the far North? Or somewhere in-between? You’ll have to wait a little longer to find out. Over the nextcontinue reading



It’s a sad fact that around the world millions of women are still made to feel shameful about their periods. For many, it goes beyond shame. For some it means a temporary banishment from their home. For girls it can mean missing school. For others it can mean missing work.  It can also mean danger when women and girls are forced to go out into the bush during menstruation. It’s time for this taboo to end, and that’s why menstrualcontinue reading

Happy World Water Day!

Happy World Water Day everyone! Today is a good day for some reflection. To remember that those of us with easy access to clean water are very lucky to have it, and to remember that there are millions of people just like us around the world without this luxury. Women who can’t work because they spend their days walking to collect water, kids who miss school because they’re sick from the water they drink, families stuck in the cycle ofcontinue reading

Pilot Project Country Selected

  Hi everyone, Just a quick note to announce that I have made a decision on where HydrateLife’s pilot project will be located.  I’ve known for a while that I wanted to work in Latin America, however, I hadn’t narrowed it down beyond that.  The past few weeks I’ve been reading through articles and studies on water and sanitation in Latin America, and looking over some statistics on coverage.  I found that Colombia has one of the largest rural populations atcontinue reading

An Easy Way to Help HydrateLife

Happy Saturday everyone!  Did you wake up this morning thinking, “I wish there was a really easy way to help HydrateLife raise funds”?  Well good news, there is! You can help HydrateLife every time you shop on, with AmazonSmile.  For eligible purchases at Amazon, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to HydrateLife. And it’s really easy.  Just follow the link below, pick HydrateLife as the charity you would like to donate to, and shop like normal.continue reading

Introducing the all new HydrateLife! – now a 501c3 non-profit

  Hi everyone, I’m excited to announce that HydrateLife has transformed from an educational website to a 501c3 non-profit! The organization will work to fund, design, and build sustainable, appropriate, and environmentally friendly projects that bring clean water, proper sanitation, and good hygiene to rural communities in Latin America living without these basic necessities. I’ve just launched the new website, so if you haven’t had a chance please head over to and check it out. I also have acontinue reading

Welcome to HydrateLife’s Blog

Welcome to our blog! Please check back for our first (real) post, but in the mean time, here’s a little information to help you navigate the blog. HydrateLife started back in 2013 as an educational website with the aim of informing people about the water and sanitation crisis.  We have now graduated onto new ventures, but the articles written are still very useful. If you’d like to read these articles you can find them listed under Educational Articles on the right.continue reading

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