Water Pollution

The Water Situation in Colombia: Both Good and Bad?

The Water Situation in Colombia: Both Good and Bad?

Colombia is a beautiful country.  I went there a few weeks ago for vacation and was amazed at the natural beauty throughout the country.  I experienced everything from lush mountains to beautiful beaches and tropical (but very humid) forests along the way, and was never disappointed.  However, Colombia has, and does, have its share of problems.  The most known is its issues with drugs, but I’m not really interested in that.  I’d like to talk about their issues with water.continue reading

Gaza’s Water Woes

Gaza’s Water Woes

Let me start off by saying that I am aware that the situation in Gaza is a very touchy subject to a lot of people and with that in mind I will do my best to keep my personal views out of what I’m about to write.    However, I would ask that whatever your views may be please try to read this with an open mind and think about the innocent people and children that are living in this situation.continue reading

Bottled Water: Why It’s Bad for You, the Environment, and Water – Part II

Part II: Why Bottled Water is Bad for the Environment Welcome to Part II of the series Bottled Water: Why It’s Bad for You, the Environment, and Water.  In Part I I talked about why bottled water is bad for you, and now in Part II I’ll be talking about why bottled water is bad for the environment.  There was a great response to Part I, and thank you to everyone that commented on it.  If you missed Part Icontinue reading

Polluted Rivers: Argentina’s Matanza-Riachuelo River

Today let’s travel to Argentina and take a look at the heavily polluted Matanza-Riachuelo River Basin.  This river (it’s actually more of an estuary), which meanders for 40 miles through Buenos Aires, has been heavily polluted for years by industrial waste, sewage, and everyday garbage.   For the seven million people that live near or along the river that means dirty water, dirty air, and a number of health problems. The pollution in this river is not new for Argentina.  Forcontinue reading

Summary of Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Resources: Separating the Frack from the Fiction; A Report by the Pacific Institute

Today I wanted to give a summary of a report put out by the Pacific Institute titled Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Resources: Separating the Frack from the Fiction.  The Pacific Institute, which has been around for 25 years, released the paper which was written by Heather Cooley and Kristina Donnely in June of this year.  For this report they conducted extensive interviews with experts from state and federal agencies, academia, industry, environmental groups, and community based organizations from throughout thecontinue reading

The Niger Delta: Soaked in Oil

Like many places around the world the Niger Delta is cursed.  It’s cursed by the vast resources that lay underground in the form of oil.  Since the 1950’s the Nigerian government along with multinational corporations have been extracting oil from this region and devastating the ecosystem and its people.  Today, Nigeria is Africa’s largest oil producer, extracting 2 million barrels of oil a day, leading to oil making up 80% of their national revenue. So who’s pumping all of thiscontinue reading

Polluted Rivers: The Ciliwung

Today I wanted to write about one of the most polluted rivers in the world; the Ciliwung River in Indonesia.  The Ciliwung’s pollution comes at it from everywhere; raw sewage, industrial pollution, agricultural pollution, and household trash.  When you see pictures of this river, such as the one above, your heart sinks thinking about all the people that live along the river and what it has become. The Ciliwung is 200 miles long and is the main river that runscontinue reading

Protecting our Waterways Naturally: Riparian Buffers

You’re standing on a farm looking out over a huge group of cows to your left.  The smell is pretty bad, and you’re disgusted by the cows walking around in their waste without a care in the world.  You glance over to your right and notice a beautiful stream that runs along the farm and then continues on.  All of the sudden the clouds open up and a downpour hits. As the rain comes down the ground is getting saturatedcontinue reading

A Movie Review: Poisoned Waters

              I had a couple of hours the other day so I decided to watch a Frontline documentary called Poisoned Waters.  As the name suggests it’s about water pollution and the consequences of that pollution focusing on a couple of different areas in the US.  I’ve never written a movie review so hopefully this will give you a good idea of what the movie is about without giving away too much information. The documentarycontinue reading

Are Nanoparticles the Water Detox Solution We’ve Been Looking For?

Do you ever drive by a gas station that’s fenced off and there are workers digging a huge hole in the ground?  That’s because tanks that hold the gas have leaked and contaminated the ground under the station.  Around the world there are thousands of sites where toxic chemicals have been spilt accidentally or dumped in the past and left.  Up until the 1970s it was widely believed that the soil would act like a natural filter and clean thecontinue reading

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