Water Pollution

What the Frack?

Fracking is the process of hydraulically injecting a mixture of fluids into naturally forming veins or dikes in rock in order to release petroleum, natural gas, or coal seam gas.  The mixture injected is typically a slurry of water, proppants (including silica sand, resin-coated sand, and man-made ceramics), and chemical additives. Additionally, gels, foams, and compressed gases, including nitrogen, carbon dioxide and air can be injected.   Further, sometimes sand containing naturally radioactive materials are used to measure the fracture trace.  There are alsocontinue reading

World Toilet Crisis

Great episode from Vanguard on the world toilet crisis.  It takes you to several countries where they still practice open defecation and explores why this still goes on, the consequences of it, and what is happening to end this practice.  Meet several forward thinking people working to change this unsanitary practice. WARNING: if you have a weak stomach be careful.  The video doesn’t just talk about open defecation, it shows it. Click here: World Toilet Crisis Leave a comment and letcontinue reading

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