Project Design

One of the most important aspects of every project is that it is appropriate to the location and community being served, and because of this all of our projects are different in some way. However, as a driving principle, all of our projects use simple construction methods, and locally available materials.

We think this is important because if materials aren’t available locally it could take weeks to obtain replacement parts. This translates to weeks without clean water, weeks without proper sanitation, and weeks of greater disease transmission. If the community can obtain parts and fix the problem themselves it will cut this time significantly.

Further, by using simple methods and designs we are also ensuring that the community can maintain the system themselves, and will continue to benefit from the project for many years to come. Another benefit is that it is easy for the community to share the ideas behind the project with their neighbors, who could potentially replicate the system for their own community.

Finally, the environment is always on our minds here at HydrateLife, and when we design a project we always do it in a way that will have the least impact on the plants and animals that live in the vicinity.

Examples of potential projects include solar powered water systems, sand filters, rainwater harvesting, and composting toilets

One of the most important aspects of every project is that it is appropriate to the location and community being served, and because of this all of our projects are different in some way. However, as a driving principle, all of our projects use simple construction methods, and locally available materials.

We think this is important because if materials aren’t available locally it could take weeks to obtain replacement parts. This translates to weeks without clean water, weeks without proper sanitation, and weeks of greater disease transmission. If the community can obtain parts and fix the problem themselves it will cut this time significantly.

Further, by using simple methods and designs we are also ensuring that the community can maintain the system themselves, and will continue to benefit from the project for many years to come. Another benefit is that it is easy for the community to share the ideas behind the project with their neighbors, who could potentially replicate the system for their own community.

Finally, the environment is always on our minds here at HydrateLife, and when we design a project we always do it in a way that will have the least impact on the plants and animals that live in the vicinity.

Examples of potential projects include solar powered water systems, sand filters, rainwater harvesting, and composting toilets.

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