Happy world water day! This years’ theme relates to how water is valued. This is something that a lot of people that have a reliable source of water don’t think about much. We turn on the tap, and out it pours. But what if it didn’t? Water is a precious resource that we need to survive, but it also serves so many other purposes.
I live in California, where droughts are normal, and getting more intense due to climate change. In my home we are very mindful of how important water is, and always do our best to conserve as much as possible. Our kids’ bathwater is saved to water our indoor plants, our laundry water is collected and used to water outdoor plants, rainwater is collected and given to our chickens (they prefer it so much more than treated water from the city), and so on.
And of course it would be easier not to do any of this, but we value water very highly, and feel a moral obligation to treat it as something very special, and something not to be taken for granted, especially knowing that so many people have to live without clean water.
So this World Water Day please take a minute to think about how you value water, and have a great day!
P.S. Keep an eye out for some info about my next project coming soon!