
Alternatives to Dams: The Free Flow Kinetic Hydropower System

If you follow my facebook page (facebook.com/hydratelife) you may have noticed that I post links to a lot of articles about dams and their negative impacts on the environment and the people living around them.  While I do understand that countries need energy in order to prosper I also believe that there are sustainable ways of going about this, and that dams are not the answer.  Well, if I’m going to say that dams are not the answer then Icontinue reading

The Problems with Mining: Acid Mine Drainage

When I started reading about mining and its environmental impacts I soon realized that I would have a number of different topics to pick from, but I had to narrow it to one so today I’m going to be talking about acid mine drainage, or AMD.  AMD is a byproduct of the mining process (usually from abandoned mines) and is polluting groundwater and waterways world wide and at the same time turning them orange.  It occurs when mineral deposits containingcontinue reading

Water Heroes: Rus Alit and the Bali Appropriate Technology Institute

Welcome to this week’s installment of Water Heroes.   The hero we’re looking at today is Mr. Rus Alit.  Mr. Alit is a man that has dedicated his life to helping the people of the world get clean water easily and cost effectively. He is founder of the Bali Appropriate Technology Institute (BATI) with his wife and is an appropriate technology expert renowned for his simple water technologies that have been used in over 30 countries.  At BATI Rus teaches otherscontinue reading

Dr. Ashok Gadgil – UV Waterworks

Dr. Ashok Gadgil  – UV Waterworks This is the first in a series of profiles about people who are making a change in the world of water conservation and sanitation, and why not start with someone who has fostered big change throughout the world, Dr. Ashok Gadgil. Dr. Gadgil started his education with theoretical physics, getting a M.Sc. from IIT, Kanpur in India where he was born. He soon found that he wanted to learn a science that he could use tocontinue reading

What the Frack?

Fracking is the process of hydraulically injecting a mixture of fluids into naturally forming veins or dikes in rock in order to release petroleum, natural gas, or coal seam gas.  The mixture injected is typically a slurry of water, proppants (including silica sand, resin-coated sand, and man-made ceramics), and chemical additives. Additionally, gels, foams, and compressed gases, including nitrogen, carbon dioxide and air can be injected.   Further, sometimes sand containing naturally radioactive materials are used to measure the fracture trace.  There are alsocontinue reading

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