rainwater harvesting

Start Your Weekend off Right!

Start Your Weekend off Right!

With your help we can bring water to the elementary school in Candelaria Arriba, Colombia. It already has the nice water storage tank shown in the picture above. That tank was installed by the government a couple of years ago. However, it’s never been filled because the government didn’t build a rainwater harvesting system like they were supposed, but we can change that. Countless studies have shown that a lack of water at school negatively impacts the education of thecontinue reading

Two Campaigns – One Community

Two Campaigns – One Community

As you know if you’ve been following our journey, HydrateLife is currently working in the small town of Candelaria Arriba, Colombia, where there are multiple water, sanitation, and hygiene issues. However, at this time the most pressing issue facing the people there is the lack of clean water. Another major problem is that the elementary school lacks any water at all. With that in mind, we’re excited to be launching two fundraising campaigns that will make these concerns a thing ofcontinue reading

Ensuring the Availability of Groundwater: Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)

Ensuring the Availability of Groundwater: Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)

There are many places in the world that depend solely on their groundwater for drinking, irrigating crops, or anything else requiring water. As population increases and industries expand in these areas more groundwater is required which can lead to its unsustainable use.  When this happens wells must be dug deeper at a cost to the owner (if wells can even reach the water anymore), polluted water can fill the void left by low water levels in the aquifer, and forcontinue reading

Mazhapolima: Keeping Water in your Well Year Round

In regions receiving heavy monsoon rains followed by dry spells people are always looking for ways to take advantage of all that water.  For the people of Kerala, a state in the south-western part of India, the answer has come in the form of Mazhapolima.  Mazhapolima is a community based well recharge program started in 2008 by Mr. Kurian Baby, former District Collector and current Senior Program Officer, South Asia and Latin America team at IRC International Water and Sanitationcontinue reading

Water Heroes: Ma Tsepo Khumbane – Harvesting Rainwater to Grow Crops

This week’s water hero, Ma Tsepo Khumbane, is a retired social worker and development activist who has spent the last 40 years fighting poverty and malnutrition by teaching South Africa’s poor how to harvest rainwater to be used to grow their own crops, as well as speaking out for better sanitation and hygiene practices.  Due to her extraordinary efforts she has received the Katlego Award of Spirit of Hope and South Africa’s Women in Water Award, but maybe even morecontinue reading

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