
Lifesaver Bottle

Even though the Lifesaver Bottle has been out on the market for a couple of years I think that it’s a great product and is worth writing about for the people that haven’t heard about it.  The Lifesaver Bottle is a portable water filtration system that only needs a puddle to give you clean water.  It filters out any contaminates down to 15nm which essentially gets rid of anything that could harm you (the smallest virus is 25nm).  Lifesaver Systemscontinue reading

Ecotact’s IkoToilet

The Iko Toilet is a great idea that has changed the lives of many people around Narobi, Kenya.  It all started with one man, David Kuria, and his mission to change how people think about toilets and ultimately the way people live.  Iko Toilet, which translates to “there is a toilet” is a product made by Ecotact which was started in 2007 as a social enterprise working to find innovative ways to help solve sanitation problems in Africa.  In thecontinue reading

Cool Water Products: Puralytic’s SolarBag 3L

Puralytic’s SolarBag 3L is a great invention that I stumbled upon while researching another project.  This product, which is basically a thick plastic bag with a filter and nanotechnology coated mesh insert, will get rid of bacteria, viruses, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, arsenic, lead, and mercury among other things.  They used a number of organizations to do third party testing and the results are all very positive.  Here’s the report if you’d like to take a look  It’s also verycontinue reading

Water Contamination in Bangladesh

I’ll start by giving you a little information on Bangladesh because if you’re anything like me you don’t know much about it. Bangladesh is located in southern Asia and is surrounded mostly by India (95%), but also has a border with Burma, and sits on the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh has an area of about 55,597 square miles (10% of which is water) and has a population of about 161 million people.  As a comparison, the state of Iowa is 56,271 squarecontinue reading

Afghanistan’s Water Crisis

Everyone in the world knows about the war in Afghanistan but few know about the water crisis going on in the country. Afghanistan was once a flourishing country with beautiful cities and plentiful food and water supplies, but decades of war have decimated much of the country.  One of the casualties of war has been the infrastructure that supplies the people with a clean water source.  However, the war is not the only cause of the crisis.  Geographical constrains, climate change,continue reading

World Toilet Crisis

Great episode from Vanguard on the world toilet crisis.  It takes you to several countries where they still practice open defecation and explores why this still goes on, the consequences of it, and what is happening to end this practice.  Meet several forward thinking people working to change this unsanitary practice. WARNING: if you have a weak stomach be careful.  The video doesn’t just talk about open defecation, it shows it. Click here: World Toilet Crisis Leave a comment and letcontinue reading

Water Crisis Facts

Here are a handful of troubling statistics on the water crisis: 783 million people in the world do not have access to safe water. This is roughly 11% of the world’s population. (WHO/UNICEF) 2.5 billion people in the world do not have access to adequate sanitation, this is about 35% of the world’s population. (WHO/UNICEF) 1.4 million children die every year as a result of diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation. This amounts to around 4,000 deaths a day or one every 20 seconds . (WHO) Hand-washing with soap atcontinue reading

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