tap water

Bottled Water: Why It’s Bad for You, the Environment, and Water – Part III

Part III: Why Bottled Water is Bad for Water Welcome to Part III of Bottled Water: Why It’s Bad for You, the Environment, and Water.  In Part III I’ll be looking at the impacts that bottled water has on water itself (and therefore on the communities and environment near this water).  First I wanted to say thanks to everyone that has been commenting on Part I and II.  It’s been great to hear your thoughts and discuss the tragedy whichcontinue reading

Bottled Water: Why It’s Bad for You, the Environment, and Water – Part II

Part II: Why Bottled Water is Bad for the Environment Welcome to Part II of the series Bottled Water: Why It’s Bad for You, the Environment, and Water.  In Part I I talked about why bottled water is bad for you, and now in Part II I’ll be talking about why bottled water is bad for the environment.  There was a great response to Part I, and thank you to everyone that commented on it.  If you missed Part Icontinue reading

Bottled Water: Why It’s Bad for You, the Environment, and Water – Part I

Part I: Why Bottled Water is Bad for You July 2017 Amendment- My views on this subject have changed since I wrote this article, and while I still believe that people should not drink bottled water, I am less optimistic about tap water in the US.  I now believe that in most places you should use a filter of some type on your tap water.  You can use this great tool by the Environmental Working Group that will show youcontinue reading

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